Thursday, March 1, 2012

nilmdts charity portraits...tobin

here is tobin! i titled this session "when cute gets out of control" and you can see why. (:

i wanted to start showing off the adorables (yup i made that up) that chose to be part of the charity model search here on the blog. you can find his photo and the vote now button online here: vote for tobin!

he is already made his way up to the top 10 pages out of 45 pages of entries. please help he and his family by voting. there are some great prizes awaiting them if they win! they thank you. (:

remember each vote is $1 and raises money for the now i lay me down to sleep foundation. if you would like more information on these sessions or the charity please don't hesitate to get in touch. email me at-

have a wonderful snow day. (:

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